Whiskey Tasting: Drams for Dads and The People Who Love Them

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Saturday June 15, 2024

    6:00 PM


Just in time to celebrate Father's Day, whether you’re a seasoned whiskey connoisseur or a curious novice, this tasting is designed to be accessible, educational and enjoyable for everyone.

Our goal is to demystify the world of whiskey and offer a guided tour through a diverse selection of whiskies that showcase the rich variety of flavors. Starting with an Irish whiskey, progressing to a  Speyside or Highland Scotch,  migrate to a classic American Bourbon, then explore the spicy character of a Rye whiskey, and finish with a bold, peated Islay Scotch.

This thoughtfully curated lineup will slowly increase the complexity in flavor, giving you an opportunity to find a whiskey flavor profile you love, arming you with the confidence to navigate whiskey menus with ease in the future, and connecting you with fellow club members and whiskey aficionados.  Come join us and be part of this exciting inaugural tour. 

Sponsored by JC Rojas & Liz Yetter

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, limited to 20 people total (members and guests), after which there will be a waitlist